Valleys Steps


Valleys Steps is a charity, based in RCT and Merthyr, that works in partnership with Cwm Taf University Healthboard to deliver free self-help courses in Mindfulness and Stress Control, designed to teach ways of managing stress, anxiety and low mood/depression. 

Our courses last six weeks, are free of charge and they are open access to anyone aged 16 and over, or 14 and 15 year olds can attend accompanied by an adult. Our courses are purely educational, not like group therapy, so please don't be concerned about speaking in front of the group - our trained practitioners will do all the talking! If you're interested in attending a course, there is no need to book in advance, just come along to the first session of whichever course you'd like to attend. 

Full details of our courses, including those delivered in Pontypridd Museum, can be found on our website or alternatively you can ring us on 01443 803048

You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter
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