USW Therapeutic Art Student Protoype Projects_Immersive Exhibition

Mae arddangosfa ddiweddaraf Pontypridd yn arddangos prototeipiau Myfyrwyr Therapiwtig Prifysgol De Cymru ar gyfer deunyddiau hygyrch i wella profiad ymwelwyr, gan ganolbwyntio ar brofiadau unigolion mewn amgueddfeydd sydd â nam ar eu golwg. Mae'r cydweithrediad hwn â gwaith celf myfyrwyr therapiwtig y brifysgol, Sight for Life, a chasgliad yr amgueddfa yn hanfodol i ddatblygiad Amgueddfa Pontypridd a'i hymdrechion i wneud arddangosfeydd ac dangosyddion yn fwy hygyrch. Mae'r arddangosfa hon yn darparu profiad o ymgolli yng ngwaith celf cyffyrddol a seinweddau.

Pontypridd’s newest exhibition showcases the University of South Wales’ Therapeutic Student prototypes for accessible materials to improve visitor experience, focusing on individuals’ experiences in museums that are sight impaired. This collaboration with university therapeutic student artwork, Sight for Life, and the museum collection is essential to Pontypridd Museum’s development and efforts to make exhibitions and displays more accessible. This exhibition provides an immersive experience through tactile artwork and soundscapes.

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    A student guiding museum staff in how to use their prototype. This prototype is a guided meditation to what Pontypridd was like during washing day including the smells, sounds, and textures.

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    A student guiding museum staff in how to use their prototype. Here the student is showing their prototype, a shoe, that has QR codes attached. The QR codes take the participant to a soundscape created by the student.

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    In the image we have Sight for Life volunteers enjoying tea and nibbles with their guide dogs laying at their feet.

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    A student guiding a Sight for Life volunteer in how to use their prototype. The student's prototype has raised text and music symbols so that those who are sight impaired can tactily read the National Anthem music score. Attached to the prototype is a QR code which leads to a soundscape of the Welsh National Anthem. 

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    Sight for Life volunteers and University of South Wales students enjoying some tea and nibbles in the Pontyprodd Museum community rooms, located in the basement of the building.

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    A student guiding a Sight for Life volunteer in how to use their prototype. The table had three different versions of accessible prototypes of the museum ceiling. Here we have a Sight for Life volunteer with their guide dog using their sense of touch to experience the elaborate cieling roses thanks to student's projects.

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    A student guiding a Sight for Life volunteer in how to use their prototype. Here a Sight for Life volunteer is listening to the soundscape made to immerse the visitor in what it would be like to be in a boot factory.


Prototeipiau Myfyriwr | Student Prototypes



Dylanwad a Chyfryngau

Influence and Media

Llyfr Troi

Flip Book

Amelia Pasotti

Rhosyn Nenfwd Amgueddfa

Museum Ceiling Rose

Plât Cyffyrddol

Tactile Plate

Annie Duthie

Lampau’r Glowyr

Miners’ Lamps

Seilyn Cyffyrddol 

Immersive Soundscape

Ava Dacre

Samplwr | Sampler – Dinah Gibby

Sampl Cyffyrddol

Tactile Sample

Bethan Havard

Rose Harriet Lenox gan Theodore Jenson

Rose Harriet Lenox by Theodore Jenson

Diorama Cyffyrddol

Tactile Diorama

Bridie Rowlands

Hen Wlad fy Nhadau Sgôr Cerddoriaeth (replica)

Hen Wlad fy Nhadau Music Score (replica)

Ymateb Cyfoes Soundscape

Contemporary Response Soundscape

Sain | Sound

Charlie Yemm

Menig Paffio Frank Moody

Frank Moody’s Boxing Gloves

Maneg Gwisgadwy Cyffyrddol

Tactile Wearable Glove

Connie Lammiman

Nenfwd Amgueddfa

Museum Ceiling

Disgrifiad Sain Integredig Soundscape

Integrated Audio Description Soundscape

Delia Balau

Ty Mawr Colliery gan

Denys Short

Ty Mawr Colliery by Denys Short

Model Cyffyrddol

Tactile Model

Eden Ivicz

Untitled sculpture, 1960au gan Charles Byrd

Untitled sculpture, 1960s by Charles Byrd

Seinwedd Synthetig

Synesthetic Soundscape

Sain | Sound (Cymraeg).

Sain | Sound (English).

El Havenga

Nenfwd Amgueddfa

Museum Ceiling

Plât Cyffyrddol

Tactile Plate

Hollie Thomas

Ystafell Wisgo Geraint Evans

Geraint Evans’ Dressing Room

Disgrifiad Sain Integredig Soundscape

Integrated Audio Description Soundscape

Sain | Sound

India Gray

Baner NUR

NUR Flag

Baner Cyffyrddol

Tactile Flag

Jo Perry

Llun o Gydweithfa Atgyweirio Cist Ynysybwl 

Photo of Ynysybwl Boot Repair Cooperative

Disgrifiad Sain Integredig Soundscape

Integrated Audio Description Soundscape

Sain | Sound

Rachel Rix

Ffenestr Gwydr Lliw’r Amgueddfa 

Museum Stain Glass Window

Mobeil Symudol Cyffyrddol a Chlywedol 

Tactile and Auditory Table-top Mobile

Roxy Wilkinson

The Bridge of Beauty, 1790 gan Julius Ibbertson

The Bridge of Beauty, 1790 by Julius Ibbertson

Lap Tecstiliau Cyffyrddol / Mat Llawr

Tactile Textile Lap / Floor Mat

Catherine (Chip) De Leo

Washing day in Matthews Court, off Morgan St

Seinwedd myfyrdod dan Arweiniad

Guided Meditation Soundscape

Sain | Sound

Sabina Collado Montes

Lock Lewis gan William Jones

Lock Lewis by William Jones

Cerdd a Seinwedd

Poem & Soundscape

Sain | Sound

Sadie Knight

Cloc Evan Davies 

Evan Davies Clock

Mandala Wyneb Cloc Cyffyrddol

Tactile Clock Face Mandala

Scarlett Wilkes

Painting of Pontypridd at gyfer Idris William Cumming

Painting of Pontypridd for Idris William Cumming

Diorama Cyffyrddol

Tactile Diorama

Tarah Kandial

Ringing Wheel Sculpture gan Charles Byrd

Ringing Wheel Sculpture by Charles Byrd

Plât Cyffyrddol tri Dimensiwn

Three-dimensional Tactile Plate

Teigan Jones

Model Rheilffordd

Model Railway

Siwt foiler cyffyrddol a gwisgadwy

Tactile and Wearable Boiler Suit

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